Recommended Regimen:
1-2 times a week for 10 minutes (5 minutes Extraction Mode; 5 minutes Infusion Mode) for a few weeks until the skin becomes accustomed to treatments. Safe to use daily and for longer periods up to 20 minutes once adjusted to ultrasonic facial.

Microcurrent conduction contacts deliver energy beneath the skin surface to reach the facial muscles when used in conjunction with Microcurrent Lifting Gel (included).
10 levels of microcurrent strength to customize your treatment.
2 treatment modes that offer a variety of facial muscle stimulation.
Includes 2 oz lifting gel and USB charging cable so you can take RejuvatoneMD with you anywhere!
Personal Preparation
Start by cleaning your face with an oil-free cleanser. Men should shave before treatment, as hair can interfere with the conductivity of the spheres. The facial area under a beard or mustache cannot be treated. When you use the RejuvatoneMD Device, make sure you are positioned in front of a mirror in a well-lit room.
Apply a pea-sized amount of Microcurrent Lifting Gel to each probe.
Lightly touch the power icon to turn the device on.
Touch the power again to switch between lifting and toning modes, rotating modes for each treatment.
Adjust the intensity level as desired and comfortable for each area of the face.
More information from the Manual below:
Refer to the Face Map for full face view of all ball contact positions for full face treatment.

Forehead & Brow
Position one contact just above the end of your eyebrow (centered between the eyebrow and the hairline.) Angle the unit so that the other contact sits evenly centered between the center of brow and hairline on forehead. (DO NOT PLACE ANY CONTACT ON THE TEMPLE)