Recommended Regimen:
We recommend using your RejuvadermMD 1-3 times per week to keep your skin smooth and radiant.
Pro Quality Microderm in your hands
100% Crystal Free Natural Diamond Tip Exfoliation
Infusion Tip Included
Pore Extraction Tip Included
4 Power Levels of Suction
Wash face with a gentle cleanser and water.
Make sure your RejuvadermMD is fully charged (using the included USB adapter) before using.
Remove the diamond tip from the device and place a clean black wool filter into the filter seat. Place diamond tip back onto device.
Press and hold the Power Button until the device turns on. The RejuvadermMD starts at Level 1. Press the power button again to increase suction levels. When you press the power button while on the highest level, you will then turn the unit back off.
Hold the RejuvadermMD with the diamond tip completely against the skin, and lightly drag across the face with short, careful strokes, following the suggested stroking diagram on your user manual. Use your free hand to brace your skin to make this process easier and avoid unnecessary pulling of loose skin.
When finished, discard the filter and clean Diamond Tip with soap and water using an old toothbrush, nail brush, or small bottle brush. Let it air dry.
Wash your face with cold water after each treatment and apply a good-quality moisturizer (or sunblock if going outside).
Treatment takes approximately 5 minutes and can be repeated every 1-3 times per week depending on skin sensitivity.