How To Get Rid Of Bumpy, Congested Skin

get rid of bumpy congested skin prone to breakouts

Updated January, 2020

Who doesn't covet smooth, flawless skin that is free of pesky bumps and blackheads? Regardless of age, gender and ethnicity, anyone can get those tiny flesh-colored bumps- yes, even celebrities struggle with this issue.

Oily skin is typically accompanied by bumps and severe congestion, and sometimes you have to keep excessive oil production under control first, so your skin will yield fewer blackheads and bumps.

Oily skin has larger pores, which has more room to trap oil and debris, thereby, causing more blackheads. If you have oily skin and are also struggling with congestion and bumps, stick to a skin care regimen that is oil-free.

man with congested skin

Blackheads are even more common and seem to affect just about everybody- well to some degree, anyway. Picking the face and self-extracting are a no-no and will only exacerbate the problem. 

There is an effective solution to keeping bumps and blackheads at bay.

Keep reading and you'll already be on the road toward smoother, clearer skin.

basic skincare routine to stop skin congestion
use a gel cleanser to wash face
use non-comedogenic moisturizer
apply spf 30 daily
moisturize at night
exfoliate 3 to 4 times per week

An example of a basic but suitable at-home regimen would be:

  • Gel-based cleanser (for oily or normal to oily skin) morning and night
  • Oil-Free Moisturizer for day
  • SPF 30 for daily use
  • Oil-Free Moisturizer for night
  • Exfoliate three to four times a week with a gentle face scrub (Apricot Scrub is abrasive, not gentle-- and can cause microscopic tears in the skin). Therefore, choose a face scrub that utilizes rounded beads as a means of exfoliation, not harsh apricot pits that are grounded and sharp.

Regardless of your skin type, investing in an at-home microdermabrasion system will accelerate the process of kicking bumpy, congested skin to the curb.

how to do microdermabrasion at home

The at-home Microderm device harnesses the resurfacing power of diamonds to effectively and professionally exfoliate the skin, leaving it smoother, while encouraging younger skin to surface.

A few nights a week, alternate your regular, daily cleanser for one that contains Salicylic Acid to chemically exfoliate the skin and to discourage congestion and bumps.

Don't use a Salicylic Acid face wash the same day as using the microdermabrasion device, otherwise, your skin can become very irritated and sensitized. Rather, use them on different days for optimal results.

According to holistic experts including doctors and nutritionists, dairy is another culprit behind bumpy, problematic skin, therefore avoid dairy as much as possible and that may help significantly.

Before calling your dermatologist, give these tricks a try first and you should see a difference in your complexion.

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