Trophy Skin offers affordable at-home solutions to real skin problems. Why spend thousands of dollars in esthetic clinics when you can achieve the same result at the comfort of your own home, less the outrageous cost?
Trophy Skin’s at-home microdermabrasion devices range from $99 to $349. It comes with a handheld microdermabrasion tool to a full-fledged microdermabrasion system that works comparable to in-office machines.
UltradermMD and MicrodermMD are comparable to professional microdermabrasion machines. Both are equipped with 3 microdermabrasion treatment modes: Manual, Auto, and Sensitive.
Auto and Sensitive modes have pre-built timer and suction levels to allow for easy-to-follow treatment procedure. All you need is to follow the instructions on the LCD screen. It's so effortless, even a newbie can operate!
The Sensitive mode has gentler suction setting to make treatments safer and gentler even for those who have sensitive skin.
For expert users, you can use the Manual mode so you can choose the suction level you are most comfotable with. This gives you an unlimited time so you can work on your problem areas. Just remember, do not overexfoliate!
PRO TIP: Do not swipe the same area with the diamond tip more than twice to avoid exfoliating too deep.

RejuvadermMD and MiniMD are handheld microdermabrasion devices that are also available for people who are constantly on-the-go.
Trophy Skin offers low cost to sustain microdermabrasion treatments. The diamond tips are guaranteed to last 3 to 6 months depending on use. You can also buy refill wool filters for a very low price.